Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 13 ~ Jan 30 2009 ~ Cell phone drama

I was almost ready to toss/break my camera phone but decided to give it one more chance to redeem itself. Lucky phone. Anyway, I found that the little darlin stored ALL my text and photo messages and was using up all the memory. I couldn't send pictures because the phone was jammed with MBs of my messages. So I played with buttons and finally found out how to delete all the sent messages. I didn't know the phone stored them. Live and learn. This was my test photo which I sent to my email account. I actually like it. But never fear, I'm still thinking about getting a digital SLR (DSLR).

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 12 ~ Jan 29 2009 ~ Radiology Room

Since I'm somewhat documenting my daily life, I decided to keep today's entry simple. I went for my regular mammogram and didn't have my little Canon camera - only the cell phone. Hence, the grainy pictures. But here is the room and here is me and here is the wall art in the little changing room. I haven't gotten the results yet and am praying that all is well. I saw the digital images and they looked okay to me. Fascinating stuff.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 11 ~ January 28 2009 ~ Mornings with Molly

My little porkchop, Molly, actually decided she would let me take her picture without use of a flash. It's the only way I can get her picture without green eyes (yes, I said green eyes - not red). As I type this entry, she's laying across my lap here in my office/computer room. It's 24 degrees outside and it's only 8:50pm. The skies are clear and the humidity is very low. Beautiful sunshine today which makes up for this cold.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 10 ~ January 27 2009 ~ Mornings with Molly

Here's what I get to see every morning - Molly all curled up on a little down throw. She loves to next and burrow in the covers. Sometimes, she decides to get under the covers next to me. This is all fine and good in the Winter. In the summer, it's another story. Good thing it's just Molly and me.

Bloody cold in Flagstaff this morning. We had a small snow shower last night - maybe 3" of the powder over what was trying to dry out. Streets were very slick on the way to work. But the sun was shining all day so most streets and highways are clear and dry. Yesterday, 11:00am, I almost slid into a parked car as I was turning into the parking lot at the dentist's office. Glad nobody was around. I've got enough dents in my car already.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 9 ~ January 26 2009 ~ Bodacious bottles in waiting

I'm getting ready to take a class with Cindy Kovack on Feb. 28 at Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale. I have extra bottles for her Bodacious Bottles creations. I figured the best way to show her what I have that can be used in the class for others who don't have bottles is to take a photo, one of my 365 photos, and get it posted. I'm lazy today. It's cold and lightly snowing, again. I slid into the parking lot at the dentist's office this morning. Oh, the joys of living in Flagstaff, AZ.

You'll see the finished product(s) in March. Oh, here's the link to Cindy's blog where you'll find out more info about her classes at Frenzy Stamper as well as Art Unraveled in August.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 8 ~ January 25 2009 ~ Viva de Mexico charm necklace

I thought I'd compare my two digital cameras for today's posting. This one was taken with the Nikon Coolpix 950 using the macro setting. I can see the difference. This is taken with the Canon PowerShot point and shoot. I usually carry the Canon in my purse so I can get a shot whenever and wherever. The Nikon is a little heavier. When I get around to getting the Nikon D90 DSLR, it will be a much heavier camera and do much more than I can do now.

Day 7 ~ January 24 2009 ~ Oil painting

I have a little Canon PowerShot SD1000 digital camera that is great for quick point and shoot stuff. Here's my very first actual oil painting. Since I'm doing my best to document my year, this is what I did that I feel is important. I got the small easel from a friend who was putting it in our boxes for the Spring 2009 garage sale. Here in Flagstaff, we have to wait for warm and dry weather.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 6 ~ Jan 23 2009 ~ Oil Painting class

We finally got around to mixing colors in my oil painting class. I quickly lost interest in seeing what would happen so I started outlining the squares w/paint, just to see what happened. Well, I finally have a clue as to what happens when one paints with oil colors. Not really too bad how things blend. This weekend, I hope to actually do more of this playing. After all, it's only canvas paper and paint, right?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 5 ~ January 22 2009 ~ Ornaments

I haven't put up a Christmas tree in a few years but I love to get fun and funky ornaments. These beauties hang from little nails on the top edge of the TV cabinet. I am so tired today that I couldn't get more creative. But I took the photos, chose one to post, and posted it. I'm grateful.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 4 ~ January 21 2009 ~ 2 Shells layered in Photoshop

This is a Photoshop combo of two shell images. They I used the layers menu and wish to heck I had made notes as I went along. I was playing with layers and got something really cool and decided to save it as is. I got out the tripod to get a show with no camera movement. Had to use the self-timer because even the pressure of my finger would jiggle the camera. Back in the day, with my film camera, I used a cable release.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 3 ~ Jan 20 2009 ~ Louise Hay Power Thought Card

I got this fantastic lamp at the Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store, Restore, in Flagstaff in 2008. I just love things of whimsy. On my desk is a box of Power Thought cards by Louise Hay. So colorful and right on for the day. I've told a number of people that I'm committed to this project and I hope I can keep it up. Today, I had to charge my pocket camera battery. It's hard to take just one picture, isn't it?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 2 ~ January 19 2009 ~ Pier 1 Orny

I couldn't take just one photo today. I think I took 25 or more. Most didn't come out the way I wanted. Need to use the tripod for sharper images. This one came out great. Pier 1 had a 75% off sale on Jan. 2, 2009, and I got a few ornaments just for photos.

Day 1 ~ January 18 2009 ~ Sedona water glass

Oh my God! I just committed to taking a photo a day, and post it, for 365 consecutive days. The photo taking is easy but the downloading and resizing and posting might be a challenge. However, this is something I really believe will get me going in the right direction for my photography and Photoshop with Painter X.

Ice melting in a water glass at lunch in Sedona on Sunday, Jan. 18, 2009. Got out the old trusted Nikon Coolpix 950 and used the macro setting. Love macro. Took about 100 photos yesterday. Will take something new today for Day 2.