We had a nice morning. We left her house about 9am and went to the local Sal. Army store to browse around. Then to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles to renew her handicap placard (which is still in my car here in Flagstaff). Then I went to McDonald's for a egg biscuit and their $1 large ice tea (my new favorite vs. diet soda). After that, I drove to the Interior Fabrics store in Scottsdale and got some beaded trim. Then we went to her family doctor for toenail trimming and general maintenance.

The doctor is requesting a home health eval for Mom to see if the insurance will pay for any services after the current home health coverage for the wounds (bed sores) are healed. He is also requesting physical therapy once a week outside the home since the in-home is finished. The last thing I asked for is a referral for a hearing aid for Mom. We'll see what happens. But she is doing pretty well. While I was there we walked to McDonald's and Walgreens one day. We got manicures another day. And we did several things on Friday before the doctor visit. A little at a time.
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