Sunday, December 20, 2009

I liked thelook of this candle setup in the ladies room at The Brewery at Tlaquepaque, Sedona, AZ. Took this on Thursday and I wasn't feeling too well. Hadn't been to the ER yet to find out what was actually wrong. I think I might try to set up a candle sculpture in my own bathroom.

I found this fantastic mural in Phoenix on East McDowell. This is only part of the mural.

Monday, December 7, 2009

#100 post - snow, again

This much snow since this morning and it's 4:00pm. More on the way. I'm looking out my front window at the porch railing, the house across the street, and the pine tree in my front yard. I'm housebound for the next 2 days.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Molly in bed w/me - what's wrong with this picture?

What has my life come to? I sleep with a doggie who takes over my pillows?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stained glass window & patterns

The chapel at Life Care Center of Scottsdale on Becker Lane has this beautiful stained glass window. I took this yesterday when I went to get Mom after her 10 days in skilled nursing. She's back at her assisted living home and seems to be liking it a bit better than she was before she left. In fact she decided that me and Troy should join her for Thanksgiving dinner at Brighton Gardens. And the staff makes great food. It will be a treat to be among lots of people and have someone else doing the cooking and cleaning up.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Waste not, want not

At a recent Bible study, our fearless leader brought an example of using what we have to make something different and successful. She found these at the local dollar store. The Jelly Belly company had the right idea. I want to remember that when I'm doing my own artwork: see what I already have that I've found at yard sales and thrift shops and make do with only a few new supplies.

Some of the belly flops were huge chunks of the little jelly bellies that didn't separate when being originally made. They were very good.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Blog giveaway on Typepad

I've posted a blog giveaway on my web site. Please skip over there, take a look, leave a comment, and maybe you will be the lucky winner. Here's what you might win.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Virgin Mary statue

Saw this beautiful statue of the Virgin Mother at Our Lady of Perpetual Health Catholic Church in Scottsdale on Saturday.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall and the changing colors

The seasons change in the front yard. Shot these w/my camera phone today. This first one is the Russian Sage in full bloom. This plant spreads by the roots. When it blossoms in the Fall, it is wonderfully showy.
I didn't have any other place to put the laughing Buddha so here he is in the front yard where I had a dead tree cut down last year.
I absolutely love Virginia Creeper, especially when it changes colors in the Fall.

And of course the Day of the Dead marigolds add wonderful collor to the front porch railing. I didn't know they were so fragrant. I think I'll plant them in pots around the porch next year.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pine, AZ Quilt Shop

I found a lovely quilt store in Pine, AZ, The Quilt Shop on Highway 87. Pine is a very small mountain community that is mostly made up of second homes. However, it seems more and more people are choosing to live in the Pine/Strawberry, AZ, vicinity year round. Pine is about 10-15 miles North of Payson. The store has been opened about a year and has a wonderful selection of fabrics and accessories. The owner, BJ, does long arm quilting. The store offers quilting classes and quilters from Payson, Prescott, Mesa, Phoenix and Flagstaff drive to attend. Pine is about 1.5 hours South of Flagstaff when I use Lake Mary Road. It's a more scenic route than I-17.

9-11-09 - Flagstaff City Hall

You can't see the sea of miniature flags on the ground to the left of the flag poles but they were there. I was driving by and luckily got stuck in traffic.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Made this chair for an art chair auction organized by my friendy, Cindy Kovack. More info on her site.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Vintage crocheted lace

I found some great vintage lace and a piece of cotton that has the little tucks and hand crocheted lace around the edges. The little stack to the right is from a box of the little cards put in flowers from the florist. They looked nice and old and there was a box of about 75 for 50 cents. The lace was in baggies at our local Hospice thrift shop for a grand total of $9 and the cotton piece was $2.50. I'm loving my treasures.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Molly - taken w/new TMobile Mytouch phone

Sweet Molly - photo taken w/new TMobile Mytouch phone.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Elvis is alive and well in Williams, AZ

I found this great photo op in Williams, AZ, last evening. Can you believe an Elvis cookie jar? And a whole shelf of Elvis "stuff" to go with it? And today I am being treated to non-stop Elvis movies. That man had a voice and the looks to go with it. I don't care if he got overweight when he got older, and that he probably didn't do all that he should have done to take care of himself; I still love his music.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

365/85 - Cute pugs

Chris and Deb Navarro have the cutest pugs. Both are lively and wanted to play with Molly but she would have none of it. If the gate hadn't been in place, Molly would have run back across the street to our house. Chris is one of the fantastic guys who shovel snow and use the other neighbor's snow blower in the winter.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

365/84 - Today's yard sale treasures

Molly standing watch over new yard sale treasures. After I removed the little metal pitcher, she made a nest of the chenille pillow covers.

365/83 - Mama at Wendy's on June 12, 2009

We had a nice morning. We left her house about 9am and went to the local Sal. Army store to browse around. Then to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles to renew her handicap placard (which is still in my car here in Flagstaff). Then I went to McDonald's for a egg biscuit and their $1 large ice tea (my new favorite vs. diet soda). After that, I drove to the Interior Fabrics store in Scottsdale and got some beaded trim. Then we went to her family doctor for toenail trimming and general maintenance.
The doctor is requesting a home health eval for Mom to see if the insurance will pay for any services after the current home health coverage for the wounds (bed sores) are healed. He is also requesting physical therapy once a week outside the home since the in-home is finished. The last thing I asked for is a referral for a hearing aid for Mom. We'll see what happens. But she is doing pretty well. While I was there we walked to McDonald's and Walgreens one day. We got manicures another day. And we did several things on Friday before the doctor visit. A little at a time.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Used the cell phone at a fun restaurant in Scottsdale. This is my great long-time friend LouAnn with her daughter, Jamie.
My old friend Rusty and me at the restaurant.
It took Jamie and me using the camera in the cell phone at least 15 times to get a photo of me and Rusty and then of her and her mother - that all 4 of us could agree on. Hum, maybe I should just carry the little mini Canon SureShot with me at all times and not try to always use the cell phone camera. Or, here's another idea: get a new cell phone with better photo taking options. I like the 2nd one way better.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

365/79 - Speedy Mama

Mama wanted to resume her walking to MacDonald's that is about a block away. She had to rest several times but she made it. We went to Walgreen's which is right next door. Then came home where she rested the rest of the day. At the moment, she has rice pilaf cooking on the stove. Troy will BBQ a steak and chicken kabobs for dinner. Can't wait.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

365/78 - Annual garage sale

Three of us participated. Lee brought her puppies. This is Tasha and Pogo. Baxter, her 3 mo. old yorkie/shih tzu mix was in his crate. The little tyke only weighs about 4 lbs.
Just some of the clothes we had for sale. Suzanne and I have made a firm commitment NOT to purchase any more clothes for the rest of 2009. I also have a commitment to only buy glues and mediums for my artwork. Otherwise, I have everything I need.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

365/77 - Pottery leftovers

Took a walk around the college to warm up from the a/c and found a bucket of pottery pieces in a large garbage can.
Mom is doing much better from her bout with the flu. It's a miracle - she's well and I'm at peace. I'll see her next week for a couple of days to visit her family doctor and get a manicure.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

365/76 - Troy's swimming pool at Mom's house

Troy set up a child's pool in their back yard. What a hoot. My son is very creative - a real renaissance man.
Mom was sick over the weekend but is doing better physically. However, it seems she wants to let go and move on. She won't talk about it but the feeling is there when I'm with her. I expect a phone call one of these days but in the meantime, I'm leaning on my faith and prayer to get me through this season.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

365/75 - Flagstaff Iris

While making the rounds of yard sales yesterday, I found some absolutely lovely blooming iris plants in two different gardens. Took this with the Canon 50D zoom lens. I took others with the macro lens, too. Look at the transparent quality of this flower. I promised the lady I would make her some prints. She deserves it. Wish I could capture the entire back garden. Another time.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

365/74 - English Bulldog "Yankee"

When I was taking photos around the lake at El Dorado Park in Scottsdale, I came across a woman walking her 3 English Bulldogs. They were wonderful. This is Yankee and she's going to be 4 years old. Guess what? She was born on the 4th of July. At least the lighting was good for the photo.

Monday, May 25, 2009

365/73 - Cactus flower

I think this is a nigh blooming cirius but am not sure. Except it is daytime and I just took the picture across the street from Mom's house in Scottsdale, AZ.
It looks like another beautiful day here and will probably be quite warm. I'll be glad to return to Flagstaff this afternoon. Molly has enjoyed the longer morning walks with Rocky (Mom's dog).

Sunday, May 24, 2009

365/72 - Duck @ Vista Del Camino

Only had the cell phone this morning. The ducks like to bathe early in the morning. This one was swimming over to meet up with a white swan, I think. Anyway, the white feathered swimmer/bather, was hanging out, too. I really think these ducks pose for the camera.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

365/71 - Mama lifting weights

Saw Mom yesterday at the SNF while whe was in occupational and physical therapy. She's a dynamo. I know she enjoys the attention of the therapists but doesn't like being away from home. She's doing great and goes home on Monday the day before she turns 87.

Friday, May 22, 2009

365/70 - smaller airplane to Phoenix

This was the smaller plane that took me from Flagstaff to Phoenix for my connecting flight to Los Gatos on May 3, 2009. Excellent flight and quick. I think we were in the air for 30 minutes. Better than driving.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

365/69 - California chandelier - Los Gatos trip

Took this photo while waiting for Stephanie when we shopped at an antique store in CA. Just sat and looked up with the camera and shot some pictures. Fun time.

Friday, May 15, 2009

365/68 - Cindy O'Leary, An Artful Journey

Cindy O'Leary organized our Artful Journey with DJ Pettitt. What a fantastic woman and a great organizer.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

365/67 - Los Gatos Marachi Band

Nellie Wortman, Rene Chock (Ashes2Beauty) and I walked around downtown Los Gatos after dinner on May 5, Cinco de Mayo. What a treat to suddenly hear the sounds of wonderful Marachi music as we came out of a shop. These guys were dressed for the event and played great music. There's nothing like good Marachi music to make me want to step lively and dance.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

365/66 - DJ Pettitt workshop

Los Gatos, CA, May 4-5, 2009, DJ Pettitt workshop organized by Cindy O'Leary. It was fantastic, Los Gatos was gorgeous, my classmates were wonderful, Cindy and her assistants were marvelous. I recommend taking a workshop at the You will love the setting and Cindy does the best job ever.
This is Stephanie Thiel. She graciously picked me up on Wednesday after the workshop was finished and took me to the beach and an antique store before hauling me to the San Jose airport. A delightful lady and a very accomplished artist. She attends the Art and Soul retreats in WA.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

365/65 - Me and my big toe

Went to the oh so kind podiatrist this morning for an ingrown toenail. Little did I know what we would decide to do. To make a permanent correction, we decided to numb the toe (pretty painless procedure), then cut out the right side of the nail, apply a chemical that would kill the root so the nail would grow out flat instead of curving into the side of the nail bed. I took the photo before he started with the needle.
I could have taken a picture of the nail after the procedure but before the bandage but I couldn't get close enough with my little camera. So here I am with a big toe bandage.
I'm still going to be able to travel to Los Gatos on Sunday for a 2-day workshop with DJ Pettitt.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

365/64 - piano

I decided to take an abstract photo under the piano cover.

365/63 - The Piano Man

Jared is one of our best IT guys at the college. He is also a marvelous pianist. He was practicing on the school's piano as he gets ready to play for commencement on May 8. I could listen to him play all day long. I once asked him why did he go into the IT field. He said it was because he wanted to keep his music as a LOVE and not a profession - a profession wouldn't be as fulfilling as it is now. The man is a genius.

365/62 - Baxter

Baxter is a friends new puppy. He's a shih tzu/yorkie mix and weighs a whopping 1.5 lbs. What a little sweetie. He got sick last week and even stopped breathing. His lungs got filled with fluid, probably from a liquid/food hurling that he might have then inhaled. Lee revived him by putting his little body under the water faucet and giving mouth to mouth before rushing to the vet. Baxter seems to be doing fine and the vet really doesn't know what caused the problem.