Wednesday, April 29, 2009

365/65 - Me and my big toe

Went to the oh so kind podiatrist this morning for an ingrown toenail. Little did I know what we would decide to do. To make a permanent correction, we decided to numb the toe (pretty painless procedure), then cut out the right side of the nail, apply a chemical that would kill the root so the nail would grow out flat instead of curving into the side of the nail bed. I took the photo before he started with the needle.
I could have taken a picture of the nail after the procedure but before the bandage but I couldn't get close enough with my little camera. So here I am with a big toe bandage.
I'm still going to be able to travel to Los Gatos on Sunday for a 2-day workshop with DJ Pettitt.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

365/64 - piano

I decided to take an abstract photo under the piano cover.

365/63 - The Piano Man

Jared is one of our best IT guys at the college. He is also a marvelous pianist. He was practicing on the school's piano as he gets ready to play for commencement on May 8. I could listen to him play all day long. I once asked him why did he go into the IT field. He said it was because he wanted to keep his music as a LOVE and not a profession - a profession wouldn't be as fulfilling as it is now. The man is a genius.

365/62 - Baxter

Baxter is a friends new puppy. He's a shih tzu/yorkie mix and weighs a whopping 1.5 lbs. What a little sweetie. He got sick last week and even stopped breathing. His lungs got filled with fluid, probably from a liquid/food hurling that he might have then inhaled. Lee revived him by putting his little body under the water faucet and giving mouth to mouth before rushing to the vet. Baxter seems to be doing fine and the vet really doesn't know what caused the problem.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

365/58 - macro flowers - 4/19/09

Bromelaid bloom at Warner's Nursery
Had a fun trip to Warner's Nursery in Flagstaff after my trip for some gluten free cupcakes and before Ace Hardware and the grocery store. Way fun.

365/57 - Glass & macro photography

Now that I have this posted, I think I should have taken a photo of the glass bottle to show as a comparison. I'm really liking the new macro lens. I'm taking it with me to the DJ Pettitt Artful Journey workship on May 4-5, 2009.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

365/56 - new macro lens

I finally got a new macro lens for the Canon 50D. It is the EF100mm f/2.8 lens. This first image was shot last night as I tried to make sure the lens worked. When it stops snowing (again), I'll get out to the nursery and take flower pics. In the meantime, enjoy.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

365/55 - Me & the Easter Bunny

After church today, I went to Barnes & Noble to look for a new Bible because I couldn't find my most recent one. Couldn't find one that suited me so I went to Wal-Mart to check their selection. Didn't find one that suited. But I found the Easter Bunny all ready for a photo op. Glad I carry my little Canon PowerShot SD1000 with me all the time.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

365/54 - Another lemon

Took another photo of the lemon. Imported into PhotoShop and adjusted levels to get more detail. Still resembles one of my favorite painters - Georgia O'Keefe.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

365/53 - Lemons/Georgia O'Keefe Imagination

Someone brought in a grocery bag of lemons from the Valley. I took some home and squeezed them for lemonade yesterday morning. A few had some spots that were spoiling/growing wierd things. I tried a photo w/the Nikon Coolpix 950 macro but they were too blury. So I reshot w/the Canon D50 to see if I could do better. Sure makes me want to invest in a macro lens.