Saturday, February 28, 2009

365/36 - Bodacious Bottle Class

This is one of the bodacious bottles created in Cindy Kovack's class at Frenzy Stamper today. Such a beautiful French feel to it. Look at that hat. Gorgeous. I'll post mine bottles after I return to Flagstaff tomorrow.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

365/35 - Wedding Hat

I have had this wedding hat, or Spring hat, for several years ago. I probably bought it at a thrift store just to use for photo opportunities. I finally took the time to stop and take a picture. This is a cropped image. I wanted to see how sharp I could get the image by cropping vs. getting too close. The next time, I'll use the tripod, a cable release, and a smaller apperture. For now, I'm pleased with the results. Man, gotta love the DSLR.

Monday, February 23, 2009

365/34 - What is this flower?

Does anybody know the name of this lovely flower? I found it in the greenhouse at the Sedona nursery but failed to look at the tag for a name.

365/33 - Manzanita Blooms

Another beautiful in the high desert of No. Arizona. These are manzanita blooms. There I was crawling around in the dirt just to get pictures to post on my blog. Oh, well, what we won't or don't do for art.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

365/32 - Blessing

The gardens and pathways in Tlaquepaque are home to a number of statues. I thought this was particularly meaningful. Blessings to all.

365/31 - White Lace Lady

One of the lovely shops in Tlaquepaque has an assortment of these delicate figures and perfume bottles. I've longed for one of the gracious ladies for several years. When I was there last week, I found some that were on sale for 50% off. I just couldn't walk away without taking two of them home with me.

365/30 - Ballerina Tilly

I have an extensive collection of ladies - divas if you will. Or goddesses. I found Ballerina Tilly at Marshal's a couple of weeks ago and fell in love with her. I rescued her for a mere $7 plus tax. She reminds me of the summer several years ago when Suzanne and I decided to take a beginning ballet class at the college where we worked (she's now at NAU and I'm still at CCC). So here is a gracious and not-so-delicate ballerina posing in her all her glory with a beautific smile on her face. Actually, she is built like my mother used to be - lovely curves and the family thunder thighs.

365/29 - The Fading Camillas

As you can tell if you've followed this blog, I'm not getting the photo a day that I had hoped for. Instead, I'm still committed to posting photos of my experiences. With the new camera, I'm playing more than I have in many years and enjoying every minute of it all.

These are some of the fallen flowers from last Sunday at the nursery in Sedona. I have them in a shallow container w/water. I wanted to try ISO experiments and aperture settings. I still love the wilting process of these flowers.

Friday, February 20, 2009

365/28 - Feb. 20 2009

Went to see the good Dr. Lundstrom on Thurs., for a 90 day follow-up to the surgery I had in Oct. 2008. Well, a skin tag had to be removed. So the only items used were the syringe for numing and the forceps. The knife, or whatever he used, is somewhere else. You don't want to know any more than what you see and read here. It ain't a pretty story.
The numming injections were painful, however, he said it would be worse if he didn't do that. Again, sitz baths were/are my friend. Doing fine today.

Monday, February 16, 2009

365/27 - Feb. 15, 2009 - Sedona

As you can tell, I'm not getting a photo each day. When I'm working or doing something else I need to do, I don't get the photos taken or posted. I hope that changes later in August when I retire from f/t employment. In the meantime, I'm still committed to shooting and posting photos. We will all get to see how my skills improve with the new camera. And I do love the new camera. I just lose myself when I'm shooting.
There's a great thrift store in Sedona that is even open on Sundays. This Sunday, instead of buying any treasures, I took photos. I love this hat and it was $25. Couldn't see spending $25 for a hat I would never wear and only use for photo ops. So I got the mannequin head off the display and took maybe 20 pictures. Deleted some of them already in Bridge. Oh, it was fun, fun, fun. I love the click of the shutter. And the capture rate of the digital image is so quick. Geez, why did I wait so long to get a digital SLR!

365/26 - Feb. 15, 2009 - Sedona

Another gorgeous image taken in Sedona. I found this wonderful amarylis plant in the greenhouse at the nursery. It was only $20, however, I didn't figure I could get it back to Flagstaff in the same condition in which it was discovered. It had 2 large stalks and each stalk had multiple flowers. I'll look for something like this during the Holidays at a nursery vs. Wal-Mart. I love these flowers because they are so showy.

BTW, with all the snow we've had this winter, my front yard will be real showy with wildflowers. I have a gravel yard so I don't have to mow. Each year, seeds blow off blooms and reseed the whole yard. It's fantastic. And the sun is shining today. WooHoo!!!

365/25 - Feb. 15, 2009 - Sedona

Went with Suzanne and Gary to Sedona to shoot photos. Used the new Canon 50D and played mostly with getting in close. More practice needed. Oh, but I had a great time. And I didn't spend as much money on stuff I didn't need as I've done in the past. This is one of the red camillas that fell off a plant. I then floated it in the fountain outside the wonder plant nursery in West Sedona.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

365/24 - Feb. 12 2009 - Ice Cycles

Finally brought the new camera to school to get a photo of some fantastic ice cycles on steel wire on the corner of the patio. Slipped in the frozen water but protected the camera. Thank goodness I had some exercise pants in my office. That water was darn cold.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

365/23 - Tues., Feb. 10, 2009

Zooming in with 300 mm lens on Canon 50D. Had to use automatic setting to get the flash to work because I don't know, yet, how to set the flash on the camera. Oh, well. More work to do. I'm posting the other macro shots on my typepad blog. Just playing as I wait until 7am to call the man to use his snowplow to get me out of my driveway today.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 22 - Feb. 9 2009 - Ice Cycles in the Wind

I have never seen ice cycles hanging at an angle. Truly a wind blowing event in Flagstaff. Hard to believe so I took Monday's photograph looking outside from the hall at my office building. No, I did not set the camera to take a B&W image. This is just how it looked. Besides, the baby canon (I call her that since I got the new mama canon) doesn't have those kinds of settings. When it brightens up in my front room/computer/office room, I plan to play w/the zoom/macro lens on the mama canon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 21 ~ Feb 7 2009 ~ Sedona Soda Ice Glass

The melting ice in a glass of Diet Soda makes for an interesting photo. Took this with my original digital camera, a Nikon Coolpix 950. It still works great. But I got the new Canon because I wanted to be able to do more than I can with the smaller camera. I also own a little pocket Canon that I carry in my purse. It works, great too. And for those of you who were with me in prayer, thanks again. I am still overwhelmingly grateful for the test results and answered prayer.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 20 ~ Feb 6 2009 ~ Test was negative!!!

This has been a very long week. This morning was grueling as I waited for the appointment and during the actually imaging. The imaging itself wasn't too bad. At least I didn't have to be squeezed tight. Charlotte, the tech, took 4 views. It was a nuclear test to look at the cellular activity of both breasts. When the radiologist came in and told me the test was negative and I was fine, I almost cried. I had been wrapped really tight. I am very, very grateful for all the support and prayer. Today's picture was taken in the waiting room BEFORE the test. Thank you everyone.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 19 ~ Feb 6 2009 ~ First image w/new camera

Played with the new camera and got at least one cool picture. Lots more questions to ask at Best Buy on Saturday when I attend their monthly D-SLR camera class. The macro gets me as close as 1.6 ft. Close enough since I have Photoshop to get more in-depth photos later. But I wanted to get this up on the 365 Blog.

For those of you who are following the mammogram saga, I called Silent Unity this afternoon and received very comforting words of prayer. Thanks to everyone. Tomorrow's photo(s) will be taken at the lab. Maybe I'll even see the handsome radiologist again.

Day 18 ~ Feb 4 2009 ~ Molly & the new camera

She doesn't think much of the new camera. Probably because it doesn't jump and play with her. She is still my favorite model.

Day 17 ~ Feb 3 2009 ~ Lunch

After a business meeting in North Phoenix, I stopped for lunch at a wonderful Mexican grill at the Desert Ridge Mall. Decided that between stuffing my face and reading my current novel, I could take a photo for the 365 Project. I ate spinach & mushroom enchiladas with white sauce plus rice and beans, chips and dip. Stuffed myself.

Day 16 ~ Feb 2 2009 ~ No new pictures

I traveled to Scottsdale & Phoenix for 2 days and just didn't take any photos. My mind was elsewhere. I'll make up for it another day.

Day 15 ~ Feb 1 2009 ~ New Camera

Went shopping on Jan. 31 and ended up with a new Canon D-SLR. Haven't learned all the tricks yet but I will. My college major for my BA was photography. I love the feel of the camera and the sound when the shutter clicks, it's music to my ears. Lots to learn yet. That's part of Molly's tail next to the camera.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 14 ~ January 31 2009 ~ Mammogram

I debated whether or not to post this picture. It is very personal. I told the radiology tech that I was documenting my daily life and she might have thought it was a little strange. Anyway, I got this image of my right breast being squashed. Geez. Anyway, after this follow up mammogram, the radiologist ordered an ultrasound. Still no difinitive results. So he came and talked to me about doing a special test called Molecular Breast Imaging. He said he was 98% sure that what was showing up was scar tissue from a biopsy done in 2001 but to make sure, the test would be the best and easiest to do. I am scheduled for Friday, 11:00am MST. He preferred this type of test vs. an MRI. I'll have the results at the end of the 1 hr. test. He was pretty sure I did not have breast cancer and I can only hope he is right. In the meantime, God has given me the gift of peaceful acceptance as I wait until Friday. I imagine I'll get anxious on Thursday night and Friday morning. However, I'm thanking God for scar tissue. When I talk to the radiologist, I'll ask why it didn't show up the last time. Oh, well. Maybe I'll even get his picture. He is the best looking radiologist I have ever met.